Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bigger than petty

IWhen do pettiness come in? That annoying dissection of things that don't really matter in the end? 

That little minor neglible irritant is a source of imbalance that can create disharmony if allowed to blow up. Complaints especially with the very petty nature are even served and shared with gusto and delight like the crispy skin of lechon in parties. 

Time is wasted on triviality when time is the most expensive resource that is in our hands to operate. 

This happens in the government, institutions or any set up like family for that matter. 

Why do we "pettyrify" things?  Why bother with this at all? Don't we have better things to do? 

My most productive time is when I am busy

1) practicing/ studying/ learning something new
2) in pursuit of old loves like a fulfilling hobby 
3) with problems on how to make both ends meet
4) with plans on how to "scam" better
5) loving and adoring my babies that i don't even want to hear repeated reviews of how somebody or something is or not. 

But admittedly, i am but human. I also fall into this game of pettiness. 

Is obsessing about my husband drinking 4.5 liters of Pepsi Max almost daily too petty for my own good?  I found out yes. 
After years of trying to offer moderation and realizing that I am the only one affected and he does not even give a damn. 
stop complaining and do something bigger than petty. 

Why don't we just get busy with other things eh? Let's just try to find where the Yamashita treasure is buried or teach a child to read. 

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