Saturday, June 27, 2015

Over Fried Bananas

I was musing on something and then the phone died on me.  Just when I was ending it. 

Coming back after a short walk to where a soapmaking workshop was happening, 
I checked my phone and it has been restored to life. 

As i remember writing, how can a house be filled with joy on a Saturday morning and not have a heart attack? The gremlins were sharing their secret recipes on how to make ice pops.  Jose was carefully discerning who's smarter: grandma or grandpa.  

Time steals away innocence and the purity of childhood. There is no way to bust that crime. 

I don't even have to deal with the bed soaked in pee nor have to bring them to the toilet anymore. They just call when the deed committed is over. 

According to Ingkong Justo, so as not make people grow old, the children should not eat so that they won't grow. When they grow up, parents grow old!!  When people grow old, they die.

How can we make a room collect all the memories of precious steps or walls to automatically store these in its archives? And when you touch it, everything can be replayed!

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