Friday, December 16, 2011

Breastmilk vs. Steve Jobs

It is the gentlest, life-giving, healing substance that ruthlessly murdered an iphone, killed all possibilities of contact, music, games...  it is the same substance that healed Justo Leandro, makes him grow and gives him tremendous joy and satisfaction.

such is the irony of life...

Yes, my daughter, that was a lot of breastmilk that the genius of  Steve Jobs could not match!
 No match!

a drop of this heals the beginning of sore eyes.

a drop applied on the skin is a rich source of glycolic acid to maintain a beautiful and youthful cover

a 3-month supply provides growth of brain and bones

6-month supply produces powerful growth energy that is responsible for movement, erect spine, intelligence, excellent digestive function...

one-year supply gives the fullest and maximum benefit to an ever-growing little human!

THE SUBSTANCE IF COLLECTED IN A CONTAINER, (does not matter what kind) and kept in a thermos bag with an iphone can kill this "virus" efficiently.  Remember to keep the lid of the collecting bottle loose to spill the milk)

(we used a generic and manually operated breast pump attached to a bottle in this experiment, Ana's milk with a bit of stress, a pinch of excitement, and an overflowing measure of love for Justo)

this is an accidental discovery but some great inventions are a result of some twist of fate.

I am thankful to God that He gave you a lot of milk for Justo.  There will be other phones, right now I have one in my drawer.  An old Nokia with a flashlight. 

RIP Steve


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