Saturday, January 15, 2011

continuation of part I: Horror Story 1

I was assigned a room that night, deposited my luggages on the floor, then took a shower.  I took off my earrings and wrist clock, secured them in a pouch then slid the pouch into the inner pocket of my suitcase. Then we settled ourselves in the dining room to catch up on details of life before going to bed. 

I remember finding the house beagle on top of my suitcase sniffing something.  By the way, Snoopy is his pet name.  It was an uneventful night and our trip to the next destination occurred very early in the morning before the sun actually manifested in the sky.

We reached our destination early and while unpacking, I noticed that I was not wearing my earrings and the big watch and not a trace of the pouch either.  The rest of my accessories in a small bag, gone too!  My engagement ring was there.

I was quiet for awhile, not wanting to alarm people and embarrass myself for being "senile".  I began to doubt what I remember doing before I slept, and that was keeping my jewelry in a pouch.  I searched and literally turned my suitcase inside-out and upside-down.  Not a sign of my valuables.

I got a call from my sister-in-law where we stayed that night.  She found some pieces of my valuables under my bed.  Scattered and almost mutilated.

(20 minutes up.  sorry, this is taking long)

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