Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Harbinger of news

Looking at mail boxes can be as interesting as watching people or trees in my case.  You can sometimes guess the person behind the mail box, but a lot of times, they don't project at all.

 Nevertheless, they are interesting as they perch on a fence or a pedestal of its own.
 Some mail boxes serve a community as they look like a condominium when stuck all together!
 Mail boxes are mail boxes and should serve only one thing- and that's quite obvious.  And who would fancy mail boxes?  Others, fancy jewelry, clothes, houses, paintings, buildings...

but I do!  I love the humble mail boxes that I passed by in my trip to  Northern California.  Some stood singly, waiting for its purpose every day, alone.  Others, stood on perches together like a flock of herons keeping each other company.  (they are just in my memory though)

They wait for good news or hope for it.  There was a time during the war when mail boxes brought news of doom and death.

Mail boxes are loyal, faithful to their duty- never leaving their post, come rain or sun.

In one of my walks, I passed by one that made me backtrack to see what I thought I saw.  A mail box for sure but... you be the judge.  This is so far my favorite (!!)

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 and the the most original!  "Only in the Philippines" I must say!

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