What if at the tip of your fingers is a winged messenger that will bring your prayers to God?
Would it be faster? Will the form of delivery carry more weight than when it is passively uttered in your thoughts?
Would He be more delighted if my messenger is as beautiful as this butterfly taking off from my fingers?
Today is the feast of the guardian angels. I believe that they come in the form of beautiful beings that I am naturally drawn to. They guide, they deliver a message or they help me discern.
My carpenter has been missing for a week now. He has not shown up, not in his home, not for work. His only vice is alcohol. At the end of the day, he drinks. This is the last activity that was accounted for. He drank with a co-worker and some people he did not know. We have been looking. Today, somebody is going to be picked up to shed light to his disappearance.
I know he is dead. The stench of death has been following me anywhere I go that I got this strange headache. A dead mouse in the filter of my car airconditioning was the culprit. How it got there, we are clueless. I saw dead animals in my walk. Without the physical evidence of where the stench comes from, the stench seemed to be coming from around me too like a serious b.o.
So I called Dodoy who is part of the search and told him that Eddie is dead. I said he needs prayers and he wants me to know that he will no longer be able to make me boxes for my notecards should I need them again. He has resigned. Retired from life.
Then this big butterfly was trapped in my house, first time of this majestic kind. And I set it free. The energy that hovered the last few days is gone. I feel lighter.
Bon voyage Eddie. You'd be intoxicated on a higher level where you will go. I ask you to help us solve this crime, if it is the case, but don't use me as your medium anymore. Show up! Dead or alive.