Tuesday, October 2, 2012


She is 9 years old.
She did not receive an invitation card from one of her classmates.
Invitation cards mean so much to her.

It is her affirmation that she is part of the group.
It is her proof that she is pretty and likeable.
It is her panacea for a lot of hurts:

She is 9 years old.
She was told that she is ugly because her skin is olive.
She was hungry for many years before she was hauled from decay.
She saw things she should not have seen
and have done things she should not have.
She did not get the pretty invitation card even if she got invited.

So she made a lot of cards inviting herself to parties.
She made invitation cards inviting "friends"-
to parties that were only in her mind.

...an invitation card for every hurt
that will be a lot!

I hope to invite her to a tea party.
Would you?

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