Tuesday, October 26, 2010

something about trees

There are trees who watch the sea. 

And trees who look up at the sky and with their hands outstretched and palms open wide, they touch the sun.
 Some trees are smug.  They have no idea that in their smugness, they look "ludicrous as to be laughable". Or maybe they take their business very seriously especially when tasked to watch over something like what a supervisor does.
Some are just too powerful, so forceful and intense that you would feel their gaze down your napes and maybe even make you miss a heartbeat.

A lot of times trees are misunderstood.  They are misconstrued as getting in the way and so are chopped down.   

When lucky, they get hugs.  

But they would prefer to be forgotten and left to root deep under the earth to watch the people at the beach,  or touch the sun and left alone to be quirky and funny or thunderously gigantic.

As I do a  tree pose and stand on one leg, I visualize balance, strength, and gentleness with every breath.  I visualize giving,  like what a tree does endlessly,  without expecting anything in return. I cradle in my arm-branches all the elements of the earth,  and imagine abundance like a tree in spring and summer.

And in my one and only lifetime, I meet trees everywhere and I make friends with a lot of them.  In my one and only lifetime.


  1. I love your entry! Makes me do a double take on every tree i pass now thank you. kidding aside, it really is wonderful how they would always seem to be there, unnoticed, the benefits we get from them are taken for granted though. when finally they're, one by one, disappearing, it's the only time most people will realize that a tree actually occupied this certain space in the world.

    thanks for your post! <3

  2. Hi Margarita! I am glad that you liked my entry on trees. Trees are happy, rooted, protective creations and i cannot stop being awed by their patience standing where they are and witnessing the history of their environment.

    Here's wishing your life all the best.
