Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh Frogs!

Oh Frogs!
You who squat on my lotus pads
have the gall to disarrange my beautiful snowflake leaves!

You who hide behind my paintings
Why don't you just meld with my stargazers
instead of jumping on Rose?

I believe you are the king of surprises
and a happy little fellow
Don't get me wrong, I adore your song

But today, you did something unpleasant
Warts warts warts oh the curse
why can you not just hide or squat or surprise fragile Rose?

Why pee? why squirt? why shoot?
This unbelievable liquid full of virus
Is making me terribly paranoid!

there's a wart on my finger
and there could also be on my toes!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

HEDCen: The Sacred in the Ordinary

It was another ordinary moment of celebrating the sacred in our ordinary HEdCen way of life.  One might ask, what is ordinary in our culture?

Here's my minute list:

punctuality - birds have to wake up early to be there where the food is, where life throbs, and where love is.  We come to our appointments on time.  We are in school ready for learning and we want to get the first slice of action by being punctual.  On the dot like ! ? .

honesty and truthfulness - nothing beats the lizards and related creatures when they bask in the sun.  Light exposes the beauty of nakedness.  We tell the truth.  It was a child who said that the "Emperor has no clothes on".  And even in a community gathering like the Monday assembly,  when asked if they have bullied someone, brave souls stood up to tell the truth!  I guess that one has to be brave to be  honest and true.

respect - we live in an organic environment where ants paint murals on the classroom walls.  I told the children not to kill ants for they too have a mission to accomplish.  We arm ourselves with repellant against the deadly, long-legged, blood-sucking muscas and we leave the ants alone together with all the other bugs.   

We work hard like the ants and carry loads that may even be bigger than us.  We work to full capacity or at least we try not to be fazed with what others perceive as "hard" or "heavy".

It is ordinary to play, sing or make beautiful creations with our hands.

It is ordinary to abstain from junk food and soft drink and to make a hard choice of eating corn on the cob, rice cakes cooked in coco milk or tamarind juice and tea extracted from camote leaves among other things when the lure of chips and soda can be irresistible.

While the world is under the spell and influence of Lady Gaga, Anime and the like - it is our way of life here in HEdCen, to wear "Ethnic" for special occassions or on ordinary school day.

These and a lot more are ordinary in our school.

 These ordinary things are what is SACRED here.  That's why, we don't take ordinary things for granted. 

So ordinary for our children's parents to look up to their children as their everyday heroes because there are times when their children parent their parents or in other words - when adults learn from their children.

It is with great resolve that we practice these ordinary things on ordinary days and even on special occasions and if we just won't give up, our success on moment to moment, is just a strife away.

It is my wish and prayer that heroism becomes ordinary, that true love becomes ordinary, that kindness and goodness are ordinary and that laughter becomes as ordinary as music.

Let's all grow several notches from where we are this moment.
                                 ...remembering the sacred in the ordinary...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

goodbye Roxy!

Roxy in sunlight- full of life and zest! We have not taken a walk for sometime now, I know she would love to, with me again, but not here and not yet.

There's a long and sunny road ahead of Roxy and me.

                      The early morn is way up at the top of the hill, let's chase it!

                            C'mon mama what are you waiting for?

             I will have to go where the heaven's cracks are open, see them?

                               Oh yes, that is where I'd go soon!

                               Goodbye, my Mama!  Don't be sad! i love you!!

                                                 I love you too Roxy!! Bye!

Monday, March 21, 2011

On Wings of Song

 have I told you  that there can be angels everywhere- perched on the clothesline or in the garden chair?
 and they observe the comings and goings of humans, picking a piece of stone, turning it over to  read a story or a poem?
 well, yes there are angels that you will sometimes see when you blink your eyes and believe that they are just minding their own business,
 even on a sunny day, when the pond water reflects a luminous star whose roots stretch down to the bottom of the water
and whose veins run purple liquid like the stain of some wild berries,  angels run around, fly about, soaking in the sun, waiting for moonlight and wishing for a gentle shower to create a rainbow in the sky.