Friday, November 12, 2010

green street

Inspired by farmama, I had to see how my idea would materialize.  So I crossed the dark path leading to my studio with my son Juaqui, who was still up preparing his lessons for tomorrow.

Instead of making papier mache lanterns, I experimented on bottles.  I would normally collect empty jars, but the ones in my cabinet did not have their proper lids anymore and will just be perfect for my christmas and everyday lanterns.

I asked my friends from the Thursday Group of Antipolo artists (and we meet on Fridays of course!) the paint that would be best to use on glass.  I did not have the Pebeo glass and ceramic paint that was recommended, so I went ahead with Acrylic.  I decided that permanence will not be my thing anyway and since glass would break eventually, I went ahead with acrylic.  (of course I was dying to start the project, that is why) 

painted glass or bottle lantern for the bazaar

dramatic when lighted 

painted all around
the size of the candle will matter,  tea light would be more subtle as an after thought

Am I happy with my first work?  Oh well, it took me 2 hours to finish painting, the paint won't dry fast, but I was surprised with the finished product.  Yes, it takes little to make me happy!


  1. wow! this looks great! i think i'm going to do this someday for my new room, when i find the time! thanks <3
